Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Prepare Your Home for the Winter Months

The weather is turning cooler, and it's time to start preparing for winter weather.  Here are helpful tips to prepare your home for the cold weather:

Clean out the gutters and use a hose to spray water down the downspouts to clear away debris. Install leaf guards on the gutters or extensions on the downspouts to direct water away from home.

Hire a contractor to check the structure ability of the roof to hold unusual heavy weight from the accumulation of snow or water.

Weatherize. Add insulation to your walls and attic if necessary.  Consider purchasing insulated doors and storm windows to further protect your home from the cold. This will also help lower your heating bill.

Ask a gardener to trim trees if branches hang too close to the house or electrical wires, this will prevent winter injury.  Plant spring flower bulbs and lift bulbs that cannot winter over such as dahlias in areas where the ground freezes.

Buy supplies in advance.  In the event of a severe winter storm, you'll need a stock of supplies on hand such as rock salt to melt ice on walkways, sand to improve traction, snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.   Make sure that your home has sufficient heating fuel; regular fuel sources may be cut off. It's good to stock up on good supply of dry, seasoned wood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove.

Remember fire safety. Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone in your house knows how to use them. House fires pose an additional risk, as more people turn to alternate heating sources without taking the necessary safety precautions.

The winters can be long and sometimes harsh.  It is essential that proper preparation is taken PRIOR to a potential freeze.  If you need professional help, please click here for the contact list of my recommended experts to assist you in preparing your house for the long winter months ahead.

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