Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Generation Y Go For Smart Homes

Generation Y or Millennials (population belonging to the age bracket from 18-35), as they call it, prefer smart homes instead of the luxury homes preferred by their parent's generation.  Even if it means living in a smaller home as long as it is functional. 

The millennium generation has grown up with new technology that they cannot live in a home without it.  Although curb appeal is important, they believe home technology advancements are equally as important. According to a Better Homes and Gardens (BHG) Real Estate survey, 64% of those surveyed would pass on a home if it's not equipped with the latest technology, wiring and capabilities.

59% prefer extra space in the kitchen for a TV rather than,  a second oven. And about 41% of Gen Y'ers would likely be fond of a home automation system rather than a newly renovated kitchen. 

The Millenial generation want each room to have a multiple function rather than have it for decoration.  For example, a dining room can also serve as home office. And the living room can also be transformed into a home theater. 

One of the most common technological advancements present at home is the home security system.  Installing a home security system can protect the family and possessions against burglars. Furthermore, it can also decrease monthly insurance payment.  Installing a security system at home can also increase the value of the property should the owner decide to sell it in the future. 

A smart home would have smart household appliances that make it easier for people to do their chores faster, so they can spend more time with their family. Examples are vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer to name a few. Not only they make your jobs easier but the newer models are energy saving and eco-friendly.  Not only it lowers the electricity bill but it is earth friendly as well. Smart TVs nowadays have multiple functions, it's a TV, a computer and movie player rolled into one.

Whether it's through home security system, state of the art entertainment centers, or just an automatic-flushing toilet, the contribution of technology at home is endless. 

If you need advice on how to have a smart home, I have a list of experts that may be able to help you.

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