Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation

Are you planning to take a long vacation this summer? Now that summer has officially begun, a lot of families are planning a long out of town trip to enjoy the good weather.  Whether you're hitting the road for a getaway or flying out of town to visit another country/state do not forget to take safety precautions to avoid harm to your home while you're gone.  Here are some tips to assure your home is secure before you leave for vacation:

1. Stop mail and newspaper delivery.  Hold your newspaper subscription while you're away.  A pile of newspapers or letters sticking out of the mailbox gives away a signal that you haven't been home for a while.

2.  Store valuables - and not just electronics.  Burglars are out for more than just jewelry and electronics these days.  Lock away any highly personal information like social security cards, insurance and banking or credit card details to secure not onlyyour identity but your cash flow.  Also safe keep your computer's hard drive to protect the sensitive information kept in your computer. 

3.  Empty refrigerator of perishable items.  No one wants to come home to a stench of rotting food or have to go on a cleaning spree immediately from your enjoyable vacation.  Stock up on a few nonperishable items in the house to ensure you have food readily available to eat and won't need to dine out post-vacation. 

4.  Pay bills before travelling.  Do you know that almost all electricity, water, credit, insurance companies, etc., allow you to schedule a future payment or pay in advance. Take advantage of this! You won't have to worry about late charges and will know ahead of time how much money you have available while on vacation. 

5. Keep porch lights on a timer. Do not leave your porch lights on while you're away.  Leaving it on gives the "I'm not home" signal.  If possible, keep the lights on a timer from dusk to dawn, just to keep your home and valuables safe.  

6. Keep off social media.  Keep your travel plans quiet and away from the public.  While it is fun to share your photos enjoying your vacation, delay uploading your photos to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram until your return.

Follow these simple tips and take your mind off your home during vacation.  With these safety precautions, you are more prepared and protected against burglaries.

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