There are a lot of benefits in making energy efficiency improvements to your home. It will not only make your house more comfortable and healthy to live in, it will also save you money on utility bills. Saving energy also protects your from the impact of continuous increase of energy prices and fuel shortages.
As you know, there are a lot of advantages in owning your own home -- you can customize your home design based on your tastes and preferences; it can build your equity; tax benefits; your monthly housing payment stays fairly constant all throughout your mortgage term. Furthermore, homeowners can take advantage of the Home Energy Rebate Program. The Rebate Program assists homeowners in making the best energy-efficiency improvements for their home. The program requires a certified home energy rater to evaluate homes before and after the improvements. The more a home-energy efficiency improves, the greater the possible rebate. The rebate program is only available to homeowners, renters are not eligible for the program.
To participate in the program, you must follow these steps:
- Request an AkWarm energy rating by signing up on the waiting list at or calling 1-877-AKREBATE (1-877-257-3228).
- The As-Is energy rating generates an Energy Efficiency Improvement Options Report that serves as a guideline for AHFC and the homeowner regarding the energy savings, cost of the improvement and return on the energy improvement investment.
- Submit to AHFC copies of the Home Energy Rating certificate (As-Is), Energy Efficiency Improvement Options report (As-Is), proof of ownership (tax parcel notice, transfer deed or deed of trust, that matches property address on the rating and confirms the homeowners name), energy rater’s receipt or check copy, and the As-Is Energy Rating Reimbursement Form, (HER-1 Invoice) signed by the rater and the homeowner. Within 60 days of receipt, AHFC will reimburse the homeowner for the As-Is rating. Submitting this paperwork indicates to AHFC that a homeowner is participating in the rebate program and funds for a possible rebate are encumbered for 18 months from the date of the As-Is rating.
- Make improvements selected from the Energy-Efficiency Improvement Options Report (within 18 months).
- Rating points are listed for each improvement option. Choose the improvements that will gain enough points to increase the energy rating. Homeowners may complete the improvements (rebate is applicable to materials only) or hire a contractor (rebate applicable to materials and labor). Only those items relating to energy efficiency and recommended in the Energy-Efficiency Improvement Options Report are eligible for the rebate.
- After the work is completed, request an AkWarm Post-Improvement energy rating by signing-up on the waiting list at or calling 1-877-AKREBATE (1-877-257-3228). The rater will verify the improvements and provide the homeowner with a new energy rating certificate. The rebate amount is determined by the increase in the Post-Improvement rating. (For example, if the As-Is rating was 3 Star+ and the Post-Improvement rating is 4 Star that is a One Step increase, eligible for a rebate of up to $4,000.00).
Maximum Rebate Amounts are:
One Step Up to $4,000
Two Steps Up to $5,500
Three Steps Up to $7,000
Four Steps Up to $8,500
Five Steps Up to $10,000
A homeowner is only eligible to receive a rebate of actual expenses. For example: A homeowner spends $3,500 on energy efficient improvements and the home’s energy rating increases Two Steps. The homeowner will only receive a rebate of the actual expenses or $3,500, not $5,500 as a Two Step improvement would indicate above.
Submit to AHFC copies of the Post-Improvement Home Energy Rating certificate, the energy rater’s receipt or check copy for Post-Improvement energy rating, proof of payment for the eligible improvements completed, and the Post-Improvement Rating Reimbursement & Rebate Form (HER-2 Invoice) within 18 months from the date of the As-Is energy rating. Within 60 days of receipt, AHFC will reimburse the homeowner for the Post-Improvement rating and provide the rebate.
If you want to make your home more energy efficient but do not have enough funds to do so you may apply for a Second Mortgage Program for Energy Conservation. The maximum loanable amount is $30,000 with a maximum loan term of 15 years.
If you want to know more information about trainings, workshops and products related to home efficiency, you may check out
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